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Full list of active stocks

Company closing price Volume traded
Graphite India 495.90 79.54 times
Heg 483.00 77.84 times
Hatsun Agro 989.60 55.18 times
Orient Ceratech 33.55 31.27 times
G Tec 32.46 28.04 times
Carborundum Universal 999.50 23.68 times
Til 221.58 21.82 times
Goa Carbon 498.20 20.86 times
Blue Dart 6516.25 18.04 times
Windsor Machines 342.08 17.87 times
Kapston Facilities 239.90 17.59 times
Orient Technologies 359.40 15.26 times
Ksb 734.95 14.61 times
Nandani Creation 50.91 12.06 times
Piramal Pharma 226.72 11.76 times
Jhs Svendgaard 37.69 10.39 times
Sah Polymers 81.96 9.88 times
Punjab Sind 46.74 8.84 times
Exicom Tele 160.95 8.42 times
Megastar Foods 209.75 8.37 times
Texmo Pipes 54.21 7.99 times
Fine Organic 4134.90 7.41 times
Pearl Polymers 30.65 7.35 times
Arihant Superstruct 410.65 7.34 times
Jk Lakshmi 793.10 6.83 times
Jupiter Life 1698.55 6.43 times
Anant Raj 121.90 6.29 times
Internatio Gemm 379.35 5.71 times
Nintec Systems 469.75 5.71 times
Vinyl Chemicals 303.21 5.67 times
Sanofi India 6097.50 5.52 times
Harsha Engineers 392.10 5.44 times
Keynote Fin 299.37 5.3 times
Kriti Industries 111.47 5.25 times
Refex Industries 376.80 5.14 times
Welspun Investments 838.45 4.92 times
Dcm Financial 5.41 4.69 times
Gland Pharma 1634.00 4.65 times
E2e Networks 2251.70 4.51 times
Vadilal Industries 5047.75 4.31 times
Seamec 984.95 4.27 times
Ndl Ventures 71.62 4.16 times
Knr Constructions 238.69 4.09 times
Ritco Logistics 260.85 4.08 times
Shree Cements 29544.05 3.96 times
Libas Designs 11.98 3.95 times
Syngene Internatio 714.25 3.76 times
Kitex Garments 185.77 3.65 times
Hindprakash Industry 126.42 3.61 times
Poddar Pigments 298.55 3.55 times
Heidelbergcement India 196.29 3.54 times
Creative Peri 667.40 3.52 times
Neogen Chemicals 1658.90 3.52 times
Itd Cementation 560.55 3.45 times
Peria Karamalai 725.95 3.45 times
Eclerx Services 2769.60 3.44 times
Goldstone Technologies 62.17 3.43 times
Avro India 153.23 3.42 times
Suraj 400.00 3.39 times
Avenue Supermarts 3998.80 3.37 times
Salasar Techno 10.56 3.27 times
Foseco India 3556.45 3.17 times
Kalpataru Project 1016.90 3.17 times
Zensar Technologies 715.75 3.08 times
Ace Integrated 22.36 3.05 times
Tarsons Products 323.80 3.03 times
Uravi Defence 370.75 3.03 times
Standard Industries 20.53 3.02 times
Karma Energy 53.36 3.01 times
Eureka Forbes 526.60 2.97 times
Dixon Techno 13624.50 2.94 times
Ceat 2911.40 2.92 times
Colgate Palmolive 2378.40 2.92 times
Reliable Data 79.41 2.92 times
Star Health 347.00 2.89 times
Sbi Cards 859.20 2.87 times
Basf India 4430.10 2.83 times
Garware Hi 3913.65 2.81 times
Udayshivakumar Infra 38.23 2.79 times
Remsons Industries 113.61 2.77 times
63 Moons 828.95 2.75 times
Ivp 149.91 2.75 times
Supreme Petrochem 661.35 2.75 times
Manomay Tex 173.59 2.74 times
Rallis India 229.64 2.74 times
Amines Plasticizers 233.37 2.72 times
Jain Irrigation 28.82 2.72 times
Nila Infrastructur 9.96 2.71 times
Rane Holdings 1333.75 2.71 times
M K 6.63 2.69 times
Birla Corporation 1090.60 2.68 times
Inox Wind 9577.20 2.67 times
Godrej Consumer 1129.85 2.66 times
Page Industries 42925.60 2.64 times
Onward Technologies 279.90 2.63 times
Thermax 3567.40 2.62 times
Aegis Logistics 783.05 2.58 times
Tcpl Packaging 4657.35 2.57 times
Ultratech Cement 11421.20 2.56 times
Onesource Specl 1720.15 2.56 times